Monday, September 2, 2024

Someone owes me a secret

I was going over old post after being reminded that this blog exists and in one I had a complaint about how much of a secret I'm buying. And a specific example was that I felt that I was owed more information about the construction of Blackmail utility gimmick by Bobby Motta. 

My complaint at that time was that they didn't give you enough pieces of card stock to practice with much less do the effect. And how at that time there was no way to order more. In the video the person explaining stuff actively stop themselves from giving away any info that would easily allow you to source your own supplies.

Now the effect is no longer available from most places the only place I found it with a lazy google search was the creators website. I reckon this means he's selling till he runs out of whatever production run and then it'll disappear. And the refills on there seem to be only for the envelopes.

For obvious reason this effect has been gathering dust in my cabinet even though it would be of decent use to me if had paper.